Brand Management

brand management

1.  brand management & brand manager’s tasks and responsibilities? 


A.   What is brand management?

The process of creating a relationship or a connection between a company's product and emotional perception of the customer for the purpose of generating segregation among competition and building loyalty among customers. (Hislop 2001)

B.   What is brand manager's duty?

 Brand is a system of kernel and peripheral traits. Kernel values are unconditional and judged by >70% to be necessary to the brand; whereas, peripheral values are conditional and estimated  60-70% important to the brand.
Tangible elements which are names, symbols, product features, price, packaging that allow customers to distinguish your brand from that of competitors while intangible elements relate to the experience and relationship customers have had and developed with the brand.

A brand manager should be responsible for managing both elements, particularly emphasizing the most essential kernel values (or core values) to make them known both within the company and to the public.
(Kapferer 2012)

Examples of Brand Manager duties:
·      Perform regular market research studies to gather important brand data
·      Develop custom brand management plans for each product and submit updated summaries on brand exposure to management each month
·      Assist in the design of retail packaging as well as the creation of in-store marketing displays
·      Maintain contact with vendors and distributors to get critical input on how product design and implementation can be improved
·      Work closely with several advertising agencies to manage brand marketing campaigns
·      Emphasize the importance of brand consistency throughout your company by raising awareness internally (by setting up a brand guide that includes company colors, logo sizing, key messaging, fonts and any other brand-specific styles & putting this in a public place or external events to get staffs involved)
·      E.g.: Coca-Cola started with a market-tested formula for their drinks and have kept their recipe/logo/bottle remained unchanged despite penetrating in various regions in the world. From 1886 to 1959, a bottle of Coke cost just five cents. (Business Insider in article: " 7 brilliant strategies Coca-Cola used to become one of the world's most recognizable brands")

C.  How brand manager works in cooperation with the company management

A brand manager owns the profit and loss, takes charge of product development decisions, coordinates ALL functions from sales to logistics, consumer insights to public relations, or communications to research & development. They are the strategic head that sees the big picture, sets a vision and then directs the team towards realizing the vision.
(Tonia Nagle - Head of Strategy & Innovation at O2 (Telefónica UK))

Be sure to build relationships prior to starting a big rebranding project.
Being visible and available is important. Go to other departments and ask questions. Try to get into their creative meetings as an observer and you’ll learn their workflows. And be available for brand questions if they arise.
There are often many questions about branding in other departments that aren’t asked because the brand manager has not made themselves available. Brand consistency starts internally so make it clear to your team that they need to be available for branding questions from their colleagues in other departments.
Tonia Nagle. 2015. Brand Management vs Marketing - What's the Difference?. LinkedIn. URL:
Brand Manager and a Marketing Manager

               i.         Brand Manager

A brand manager must possess skills of analysis and creativity to implement their ideas and achieve their goals. They must develop large-scale marketing strategies as well as advertising strategies, including both print and digital media. They must continue to re-evaluate how their brand is seen in order to boost its value. Brand managers can be in charge of the image of goods, services, even people.
Job responsibilities of a Brand Manager include:
  • Evaluating brand image
  • Strategizing how to increase brand awareness
  • Overseeing advertising placement
  • Monitoring the progress of sales

              ii.         Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are similar to brand managers in the sense that they must both analyze markets to promote certain items or services. However, marketing managers do act in some different capacities. For one thing, they are in charge of their own staff, including assigning projects, monitoring their progress and maintaining team dynamics. Marketing managers also do research to find markets for their employers' or clients' products and services.
Job responsibilities of a Marketing Manager include:
  • Developing key strategies for different customer demographics
  • Communicating the value of products
  • Estimating the demand for their organizations' products or services
  • Collaborating with sales staff

2.  What are the steps in the brand definition process?               

1)    What products and/or services do you offer? What are the qualities of the services and/or products offered?  Be sure to be as specific as possible.
2)    What are the core values of your products and services? What are the core values of your company?  When thinking about values, think about what's "important" to you and your audience.
3)    What is the mission of your company? This is often a question of ethics and standards.
4)    What does your company specialize in? Meaning, what is your niche?
5)    Who is your target market audience? Identify those attracted to your products and services.
6)    What is the tagline of your company? What kind of message is your tagline sending to your prospects? Keep your tagline "very" short.
7)    Once you've answered the first six questions, create a personality for your company that clearly represents your products or services. Ask, what qualities set you apart from the competition? Is the personality of your company innovative, traditional, hands-on, creative, energetic or sophisticated?
8)    Now that you've created a personality (i.e., an identity) it's time to build a relationship with your target market as defined in Step 5. How does your personality react to your target market audience? What characteristics stand out to your audience? Which characteristics and qualities get the attention of potential prospects?
9)    Lastly, review the answers to the questions above and create a profile for your brand. Describe the personality choosing words you'd use when writing your biography. Be creative.         

3.  Brand management at coca-cola

As a Still Brand Manager of Coca-Cola in Sweden, it is important to follow and sustain the global strategy of the company and simultaneously identify domestic demands and opportunities. Working closely with the internal operation team (Coca-Cola AB) to introduce new brands as well as to improve and protect existing brands in Sweden; and cooperating with Coca-Cola European Partners Sweden AB is the local licensed bottling partner responsible for manufacturing, distribution, sales and industry marketing of Coca-Cola throughout Sweden.


Feloni, R. 2015. 7 brilliant strategies Coca-Cola used to become one of the world's most recognizable brands. Business Insider. URL: Accessed: 22 January 2018.
Hislop, M. 2001. An Overview of Branding and Brand Measurement for Online Marketers. Dynamic Logic's Branding. Vol. 101. 
Journey editors. 2017. About us: Our business. HEM: The Coca-Cola Company. URL: Accessed: 22 January 2018.
Kapferer, J. 2012. The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Kogan Page. London.
Indeed. 2018. Brand Manager. Indeed. URL: Accessed: 22 January 2018.
Tonia Nagle. 2015. Brand Management vs Marketing - What's the Difference?. LinkedIn. URL: Accessed: 22 January 2018.
The balance. 2018. Define Your Brand Identity. The balance. URL: Accessed: 22 January 2018.


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